Category Archives: Download

What I've Done – Testing Podcast plug-in

Since i got nearly 100G hosting space, I am putting all the music and video in my own storage and make it availiable to download. :D

去泰国之前就在等Linkin Park的新专辑,在曼谷的BTS上甚至看到了广告,下载听了以后发现LP也在做改变?大概1/3的歌保持了以前的风格,比如提前发行的单曲What I’ve done(my fav,Brilliant MV),1/3变得非常流行,1/3不知道是什么,甚至有一首歌非常类似U2的风格。。。。

下面选了2首放放,还有整张专辑,还有What I’ve done的MV。。。help yourself.

Linkin Park - minutes to midnight


下载整个专辑-Linkin Park-Minutes to Midnight
下载高清晰MTV-What I’ve done



以此照纪念从Siem Reap到Poipet的那段泥路,那个手不离手机一路接了不下30个电话的司机,那辆经过特殊改装的丰田佳美,和我的33USD(大家记住30USD就足够了,我是在太累了不想还价了于是就33了。。。)

另外,千万不要买从曼谷到Siem Reap的bus联票(都是scam,无一例外,会浪费大量时间和钞票),请自己走,从曼谷乘火车或者大巴到Aranyaprathet,80THB TukTuk到泰柬边境,过去以后找人Share一辆Taxi到Siem Reap,当然,由于Poipet Taxi Mafia的猖狂,从Poipet到Siem Reap的Taxi已经涨价到50USD以上,所以建议反方向走,像偶这样;)

关于overland crossing between Thai and Cambodia, please visit http://www.talesofasia.com那里啥都有了。。。真的。。。


Linkin Park returns

如果说2006到现在有什么最大的遗憾的话,一个是仍然在给别人打工,另外一个就是Linkin Park上海演唱会被无知的“文化”部门所取消。。。


记得大学毕业前一个人在空荡的宿舍里花了几天练了LP的那首In the end。。。等哪天把当时录音翻出来感慨一下。


Linkin Park – What I’ve Done

点这里下载高质量的MTV-Linkin Park – What I’ve Done


In this farewell, There’s no blood, There’s no alibi, ‘Cause I’ve drawn regret From the truth of a thousand lies. So let mercy call And wash away what I’ve done. CHORUS: I face myself To cross out what I’ve become. Erase myself And let go of what I’ve done What you’ve asked, What you’ve thought of me. Well, I clean the slate With the hands of uncertainty. So let mercy call And wash away what I’ve done. CHORUS For what I’ve done. I start again And whatever pain may come Today this ends. I’m forgiving what I’ve done. CHORUS What I’ve done. Forgiving what I’ve done.

感觉Youtube和Youtube-alike将在1-2年内成为一个比blog更加成功的东西,前提是a.网络带宽的不断提高使得高清晰度的图像成为可能 b.视频采集器材的广泛普及,比如高清晰的摄像手机(相对高清晰)和DV。

P.S.上周重病医院吊针时,发现对面一起掉着的竟然是JnJ的Financial Director,主管大中华区M&A,心想病魔面前才是真真(相对的)人人平等啊。。。你说何苦呢?

IV in Huashan Hospital

Originally uploaded by BG1OMD.


Huashan Hospital

Originally uploaded by BG1OMD.

